Posts filed under “Men Jokes”
The Christmas Party Hangover
Bill wakes up with a dreadful hangover after attending his company’s Christmas Party the night before. He had been in a terrible state, he didn’t even remember how he got home from the party and was certain that he would be in deep trouble with his wife, just like last year.
The New Barmaid
A Pub Landlord advertises for a new barmaid and is delighted to receive applications from three equally suitable candidates for the job. He calls them all in to see him and at the end of each interview he asks each one the same single question.
Unexpected Pleasure
Freddy walks into the pub with an enormous smile on his face. His mates ask him why he is so pleased with himself. “You lot will not believe what happened to me last night!”, Freddy replied.
A Warning for Men
Police are warning all men who frequent clubs, parties and local pubs to be alert and stay cautious when offered a drink from any woman.